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The Double-Down Report - Market Commentiaries

My market commentaries, The Double-Down Report, is designed for professional and experienced traders that can manage risk effectively, and understand the value of good information. I look for positive risk reward trading opportunities within specific time windows. Customers will receive more frequent updates and more granular information, such as specific trade dates and price levels. Premium content will often be made available to the public at a later date. 


Charts may be added to a commentary to show how a market acted against an initial forecast. Post-commentary charts will be clearly marked, and vertical target date lines from the original forecast will be retained in their original position. â€‹


Commentaries can be licensed, or customized content created.


Per trade and subscription pricing for commentaries are available, or contact me to discuss a consulting contract for financial market forecasts and commentaries. â€‹

The Double-Down Report

My Approach and Disclaimers

Some of you are familiar with my work on financial market cycles, but others are not, so a quick word and disclaimer. I am not soliciting or suggesting any trades or market activity, and take no responsibility for any financial decisions you may choose to make. I am simply sharing my insights and offering possibilities based on years of specialized research and hard work. I try to write commentaries for a wide audience to understand.

I identify windows of time where risk/reward ratios are favorable in certain markets. I try to find at least a handful of good trading opportunities each year, while also identifying trading points within these opportunities. My work is best utilized by professional traders and those with sufficient capital, appropriate risk-tolerance, and a clear understanding of how to manage positions and enter and exit the market to control risk. This is not investment management, although professional money managers might use this information in their portfolio management and hedging strategies. 


The market commentaries are generally not meant for typical long-term investors, even though I may discuss long term cycles and trends. The information can also be instructive for hedging holdings or positioning a portfolio. Since the focus of my commentaries are for trading and not investing, my having a bearish bias on a particular market does not mean long-term investor should sell their holdings; long-term investors should stick with their plan. The work to identify the cycles and timing points for specific markets is an entirely different skill set than the talents needed to effectively monetize this information in the markets. An analogy would be how a geologist can identify where energy or metals are in the ground, but it takes a driller or miner to extract it; they are two different skill sets. The timing nature of my work should be of particular interest to sophisticated traders and options traders that can incorporate this information into their own trading systems. 

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